About a year ago, my wife and I were eating lunch beneath a big beautiful tree at a county fair. While we were admiring its ancient size and unique appearance, we were told by a nearby gentleman that it was a bald cypress and was one of the only conifers to lose its needles each year. Less than a year later, we planted one in our backyard. The original bald cypress that inspired us to plant one in our backyard. I admit this was the first tree I planted where I felt like I actually knew what I was doing (whether that's actually true...we shall see). While it's only been four weeks since planting, I get the impression it's been the quickest to start acclimating to its new spot. However, that's probably less a testament to my planting skills as it is to a combination of location, timing, and size: Location : We planted this tree near a fence that runs east-to-west on the south side of our backyard. Both our yard, and the adjacent neighbor's yard, slope to the fence so...
A blog about planting native trees in Northeast Ohio.